Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors


"Journal of Sport and Kinetic Movement" is the formerly Journal "Viitorul", Journal of Physical Education and Sport Faculty of University of Craiova, a biannual publication, who appeared for the first time in 2004, being recognized by the National Council of Scientific Research from Romania. This publication start up from the need to communicate the results of the researchers conducted by the didactic staff of the Physical Education and Sport Faculty of Craiova and others foreign researchers in our field or related area.


From 2013 the journal changed its name and design and became an international peer reviewed, a new journal who promote the fundamental research in the area of physical education, motor sciences, sport and different fields, in order to provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary debates to increase the level of research in our domain.

Ethics of publication and copyright statement


All material submitted to JSKM for publication is assumed to be submitted exclusively to this journal unless otherwise stated. Submissions may be returned to the author for amendment if presented in the incorrect format.


If human subjects are involved, informed consent, protection of privacy, other human rights are further criteria against which the manuscript will be judged. It should provide a statement to confirm that the authors have obtained all necessary ethical approvals.


Papers must be submitted on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere in any language or have been submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration by JSKM.


Copyright statement is necessary to accompanied all the articles. (download the copyright document from our website). The statement will be signed and send by e-mail, scanned in PDF format.


Preparing the manuscript for publication Material format


The material sent for publication in the "JOURNAL OF SPORT AND KINETIC MOVEMENT" will be included in one of the reviews sections:


  • original papers,
  • general papers (reviewers), -clinical cases or case reports, -in the aid of the practitioner -editorials


Peer-review process


The JSKM follows strict double blind fold review policy to ensure the neutral evaluation.


All articles are analyzed peer-review by 2 independent referents, selected by the editorial board. The identity of the referents will not be revealed to the authors.


Manuscript format and structure, articles sent for publication must contain:

  • title,
  • authors,
  • abstract,
  • keywords,
  • article text,
  • acknowledgment
  • references from text.

Rules for authors

In order to reduce the chance of your manuscript being returned to you, please respect the following rules: The manuscript should be written in English with simple lay out. The text should be prepared in double column format.

The manuscript must be submitted as a Word document, Times New Roman. PDF is not accepted. Page setup: paper size: A4, margins: top=2cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm.

The manuscript should be presented in the following order:

Title of article: BOLD CAPS, Times New Roman 14, followed by the name of authors (Times New Roman 12, Bold), institution and affiliation (Times New Roman 11, Italic), correspondence address (Times New Roman 11).



1University of Craiova, Romania
2National Physical Education and Sport University, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

-Abstract, or a summary for case reports in Times New Roman 10, (Note: references are not acceptable in abstracts or summaries), about 250 words and must reflect the content of the article as well as possible. Generally non-standard abbreviations should not be used, if necessary they should be clearly defined in the abstract, at first use.

Keywords, will be written with italic, maximum of 6 key words can be written.(Times New Roman 10).

  • Article text will be written in Times New Roman characters, size 11, space 1 between lines, the pages will be numbered. All abbreviations will be explained at the first appearance in the text.
  • Main text must include:
  • Introduction (provide a factual background, clearly define problem, proposed solution, a brief literature survey and the scope and justification of the work done) ,
  • Materials and Method (referring to the selection of participants, inclusion and exclusion criteria, technical information, statistical method used for the calculation of the data. Give adequate information to allow the experiment to be reproduced. Tables should be in Word format and placed in the main text where the table is. Table will be cited in the main text in numerical order; and must not exceed (longer/larger) 2 pages, the data they contain must not be duplicated in the text or figures),
  • Results (should be clearly described in a concise manner) ,
  • Discussions (these should not repeat the results, but provide detailed interpretation of data. This should revealed the significance of the findings of the work. Citation should be given in support of the findings).
  • Conclusions (this should briefly state the major findings of the study).
  • Clinical cases or cases reports must contain an introduction, the presentation of the case, discussions.
  • The size of the texts (including the bibliography) will not exceed: 15 pages written for a general review, 12 pages for an original research, 6 pages for a case presentation, 11/2 pages for a review.
  • Any hidden text headers or footers must be removing from file.
  • Abbreviations and symbols must be standard.
  • Images, illustration, figures (submitted in TIFF or EPS format. JPEG files, is required a minimum resolution of 300 dpi), uploaded as separate files, will be cited within the article text in numerical order, and will be send as separate files along with the article in word document.
  • If are used Acknowledgments, Competing Interests, Funding and all other required statements.

Reference list (APA Style):

  • Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited references and these should be checked before the manuscript is submitted.

Examples references:

  • Journal article: Popescu, I., Ionescu, L. (2014). Assesment of children’s posture.  Journal of Sport and Kinetic Movement, no.23, vol.2, 252-260.
  • Book:Popescu, I., Ionescu, L. (2014). Assesment of children’s posture. Craiova: Universitaria.
  • More information on


These are written or commissioned by the editors, but suggestions for possible topics and authors are welcome.

Word count: a maximum of 1000 words (not including figure/table legends, references). References: up to 10.

Peer reviewed by 2 reviewers who may be external or by the Editorial Board.

Press releases

Manuscripts accepted for publication in any of JSKM’s journals may be selected for press release by the JSKM Press Office. The corresponding author will be notified by email after acceptance if their manuscript is being considered for press release, and will have the opportunity to decline. The press release will be written by an experienced Editorial Team and the author will be asked to approve the text.

Journals should notify reviewers of the ultimate decision to accept or reject a paper, and should acknowledge the contribution of peer reviewers to their journal. Editors are encouraged to share reviewers’ comments with co-reviewers of the same paper, so reviewers can learn from each other in the review process.

Publication fee

The journal charge fee for Open Access publication and for colour reproduction or figures is 80 Euro/article.

Fee account: PROEFS Association, CUI 31636130, Bank Account: RO85BTRLRONCRT0208901401, Transilvania Bank

Hits: 9008